Thursday, November 5, 2020

Bitmoji Classroom

We started our learning online and we needed a way to make the links easy to access enter, Bitmoji Classroom! I'll admit I was skeptical at first as I thought it was merely for a cute effect, but I was wrong! Here is what it looked like while we were learning from home.

This site has helped us stay organized. It helped immensely when we were learning in a remote setting becuase the kids were able to login to our Google Meet on their own and easily see what pictures we were asking them to click on while in class. Toggling between tabs was a whole other thing but moving on...  It was user friendly for our first graders and the fun factor of Bitmoji helps too. Ha!

Now tha we're back in the classroom I'm still finding it very useful. I've created slides for our Must Do May Do station time in both reading and math. I've also done a digital word wall, and am currently working on an intervention page. 

It's helping when students are absent too. The kid are able to access the Must Do May Do lists and can work on them from home if they have access to a device. The images are all links to these platforms and the kids can access the assignent from there.

If you're teaching remotely or in person I hope it's going well for you! 

How are you using Bitmoji in your classroom?

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