Hey everyone! The weather seems to be improving slightly, but I hear we're expecting another round of snow. We are getting prepared for more possible calamity days.
We've already had 6! Yikes!
We are preparing activities called "Blizzard Bags". It's basically one activity from every subject we teach and the students complete these at home on a calamity day. I created one that has some math fact practice, reading graphic organizer, weather journaling (to cover writing & science), and an informational text about a social studies topic with some comprehension questions. You can use these for everyday practice too. Click
HERE for the winter freebie!
Next! As I've mentioned before I'm on maternity leave and loving the time with my sweet little baby but it also means... I'm missing the 100th day of school!
It is truly one of my favorite days of learning and fun!
So in celebration of that I'm attaching my 100th day
You have to be able to print on longer copy paper (8x14 I believe).
Here's what I do with them... the headband is broken into 10 sections. During my 100th day centers I have the children use bingo daubers and put 10 in each section to equal 100 dots in all.
It has to dry for just a bit so I have the kids decorate a
tie (also on legal size paper)
while they're waiting. I use yarn as the attachment and some handy scotch tape.
Once the hat is dry have the student cut on the gray lines up to the horizontal line. Then it looks like floppy hair when they wear it. I've also had kids gather all the crazy strips and staple together at the top so it looks like a chef hat. Note: I usually have to attach a strip of thicker paper to one end of the
Then once it's decorated I staple the other end of the strip of paper to make the headband/hat fit each student. You can prep these ahead of time. I copy all the headbands with some extras (because you know one of my little friends will cut one in half by accident) and I attach that strip of cardstock to one end with a staple. Then the making it fit process goes much more quickly! You can do the same thing with the tie. Tape one end with the yarn the day before so the fitting goes faster!

What is your favorite 100th day activity?